22 January 2006 - New York City, NY - Subway passengers wearing shorts wait for a train as a police officer looks on shortly after several participants in the 5th annual No Pants Subway Ride were arrested on the same platform for traveling on the #6 line without pants on in New York City, USA, 22 January 2006. The artists and pranksters of the Improv' Everywhere group organised the ride, which gathered over 150 participants, in order to surprise and amuse other passengers and themselves. The police issued summons and handcuffed several participants. Photo Credit: David Brabyn.


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22 January 2006 - New York City, NY - Subway passengers wearing shorts wait for a train as a police officer looks on shortly after several participants in the 5th annual No Pants Subway Ride were arrested on the same platform for traveling on the #6 line without pants on in New York City, USA, 22 January 2006. The artists and pranksters of the Improv' Everywhere group organised the ride, which gathered over 150 participants, in order to surprise and amuse other passengers and themselves. The...
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Filename nopants_Brabyn.13.JPG
Image ID I0000mXgKOQchXP0
Date 22 Jan 2006
Location New York City NY United States
Image size 4064x2704 pixels
Filesize 1.3MB
Model Release No
Property Release No
Image URL https://archive.davidbrabyn.com/image/I0000mXgKOQchXP0
© 1997 - 2023 David Brabyn. All Rights Reserved. PhotoShelter customization by 9W web consultant logo
  • +1 917 267 8492
  • New York City, NY, USA
  • Je suis bilingue français.
  • Photojournalist, New York City, USA.
  • All images © 2004-2023 David Brabyn
  • Website by 9W web consultant logo