16 December 2006 - New York City, NY - Walking be a police cordon, Sean Bell's fiance Nicole Paultre (2R, yellow jacket) and her mother Laura Harper-Paultre (2L, brown jacket) lead marchers down Fifth Avenue in New York City, USA, 16 December 2006, to protest the fatal police shooting of Sean Bell and the wounding of two of his friends in a 50-shot fusillade on his wedding day.


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16 December 2006 - New York City, NY - Walking be a police cordon, Sean Bell's fiance Nicole Paultre (2R, yellow jacket) and her mother Laura Harper-Paultre (2L, brown jacket) lead marchers down Fifth Avenue in New York City, USA, 16 December 2006, to protest the fatal police shooting of Sean Bell and the wounding of two of his friends in a 50-shot fusillade on his wedding day.
Filename SeanBellMarch.09.jpg
Image ID I0000VB5BpQ4LY2A
Date 16 Dec 2006
Location New York City NY United States
Image size 2704x4064 pixels
Filesize 1.1MB
Model Release No
Property Release No
Image URL https://archive.davidbrabyn.com/image/I0000VB5BpQ4LY2A
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  • +1 917 267 8492
  • New York City, NY, USA
  • Je suis bilingue français.
  • Photojournalist, New York City, USA.
  • All images © 2004-2023 David Brabyn
  • Website by 9W web consultant logo