Gallery: 10 images
Twitterers Tweeting
Frank Schmiechen (@weltkompakt, L) and Peter Weissenstein...
Jack Dorsey (@jack), co-founder and chairman of Twitter, checks his...
Doctor Joshua Schwimmer tweets from an exam room at his practice in New...
Ulrike Reinhard (@ulrike_reinhard) works on her computer during a break...
Kodak's Chief Marketing Officer Jeffrey Hayzlett (@JeffreyHayzlett)...
Doctor Sean Khozin tweets "Novel idea: Using drugs designed to treat...
Hugh Dornbush (@hugh) checks his messages on his smart phone during the...
John A. Byrne, editor-in-chief of, tweets "News...
A tweeting potted plant sits on a bookshelf in a New York apartment, 26...
ABC News reporter Ann Curry (@AnnCurry) (L) sends out a tweet from her...
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