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Surfing in New York City
"On 87th Street near the worn beach houses in Far Rockaway, Queens, there's a miracle happening at least three times a week: surf in New York City.
This ain't your average surf spot or your average collection of surfers. The waves, sometimes upwards of five to six feet during storm season, attract all kinds, from kids ditching public school to older professional types trying to catch a good set before showing up to work late.
The designated area for surfers is...
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This ain't your average surf spot or your average collection of surfers. The waves, sometimes upwards of five to six feet during storm season, attract all kinds, from kids ditching public school to older professional types trying to catch a good set before showing up to work late.
The designated area for surfers is...
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Surfers prepare to enter the water at Far Rockaway beach in New York,...
Surfers survey the waves at Far Rockaway beach in New York, United...
Surfer walk down Far Rockaway beach in New York, United States, in the...
Surfers prepare to enter the water at Far Rockaway beach in New York,...
Two surfers walk out on the jetty at Far Rockaway beach in New York,...
A surfer puts on his wetsuit at Far Rockaway beach in New York, United...
A surfer walks out on the jetty at Far Rockaway beach in New York,...
A surfer prepares to enter the water at Far Rockaway beach in New York,...
Surfers wait for waves sitting on their boards in the water at Far...
A surfeur rides a wave at Far Rockaway beach in New York, 17 September...
A stroller and surfboard wait on the sand at Far Rockaway beach in New...
A surfer uses a trash can for support as he waxes his board at Far...
A young man (foreground) walks out on the jetty as surfers wait for...
A surfer gets ready in the surfing only section of Far Rockaway beach in...
A surfer couple (R) waits for the subway at a station in New York,...
A surfer couple (L) takes a subway ride back from a morning surf at Far...
A surfer carries his surfboard through the turnstyles at the Lower East...
A surfer climbs out of the Lower East Side 2 Av subway station in New...
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