2 October 2006 - New York City, NY - Nick Zmuda examines a filming miniature of the Starship Entreprise-E on display at the preview of items from the TV show Star Trek at Christie's auction house in New York City, USA, 2 October 2006. The auction, on October 5-7, celebrates the show's 40th anniversary. The model is expected to fetch between $8,000 and $12,000.
 Christie's Holds Star Trek Auction


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2 October 2006 - New York City, NY - Nick Zmuda examines a filming miniature of the Starship Entreprise-E on display at the preview of items from the TV show Star Trek at Christie's auction house in New York City, USA, 2 October 2006. The auction, on October 5-7, celebrates the show's 40th anniversary. The model is expected to fetch between $8,000 and $12,000.
Filename StarTrekAuct.02.jpg
Image ID I0000oUI2xn6Geig
Date 2 Oct 2006
Location New York City NY United States
Image size 4064x2704 pixels
Filesize 838.3KB
Model Release No
Property Release No
Image URL https://archive.davidbrabyn.com/image/I0000oUI2xn6Geig
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  • +1 917 267 8492
  • New York City, NY, USA
  • Je suis bilingue français.
  • Photojournalist, New York City, USA.
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